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1. Requirements Elicitation (E1)

  1. user and customer interviews;

  2. surveys;

  3. user observation;

  4. focus groups;

  5. usability testing;

  6. brainstorming;

  7. stakeholder analysis;

  8. goal modelling;

  9. context modelling;

  10. identifying risks and threats;

  11. customer and stakeholder feedback;

  12. jobs to be done;

  13. design thinking;

  14. customer development;

  15. idea gathering from team members;

  16. design sprints;

  17. feedback from support and sales staff;

  18. heatmaps;

  19. customer change request systems;

  20. bug reports;

  21. entity relationship diagrams;

  22. 5 whys;

  23. LightCDD;

  24. Business Model Canvas.​

2. Requirements Analysis (A1)

  1. user and customer interviews;

  2. role playing;

  3. design thinking;

  4. design sprints;

  5. heatmaps;

  6. entity relationship diagrams;

  7. 5 whys;

  8. Light CDD;

  9. Business Model Canvas.

3. Requirements Specification (S1)

  1. User stories;

  2. Constraints;

  3. Design sprints;

  4. just-in-time story elaboration.

4. Requirements Prioritization (P1)

  1. Numerical assignment or planning poker;

  2. table-top relative estimation;

  3. top ten requirements

5. Requirements Validation (V1)

  1. User and customer interviews;

  2. surveys;

  3. user observation;

  4. focus groups;

  5. usability testing;

  6. role playing;

  7. prototypes;

  8. customer and stakeholder feedback;

  9. jobs to be done;

  10. design thinking;

  11. customer development;

  12. design sprints;

  13. heatmaps;

  14. entity relationship diagrams;

  15. acceptance testing;

  16. 5 whys;

  17. LightCDD;

  18. Business Model Canvas

6. Requirements Management (M1)

  1. Kanban;

  2. Scrum;

  3. Defect logging

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