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1. Requirements Elicitation (E1)

  1. Interviews with employees

  2. Surveys

  3. Problem solution canvas

  4. Workshops or focus groups

  5. User testing or usability testing

  6. Brainstorming

  7. Stakeholder analysis

  8. Goal modelling

  9. Context modelling

  10. Storytelling and scenario modelling

  11. Identifying risks and threats

  12. Describing rationales

  13. Customer or stakeholder feedback

  14. Online reviews

  15. Jobs To Be Done

  16. Design Thinking

  17. Customer development

  18. Idea gathering from team members

  19. Customer Journey maps or user flows

  20. Process maps

  21. Model driven engineering

  22. Goal oriented requirements engineering

  23. Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram or Cause and Effect diagram

  24. Seven stage model

  25. Business process modelling

  26. Enterprise architecture

  27. e3 value modelling (Value Network Analysis)

  28. Market analysis (data from marketing campaigns)

  29. Feedback from support and sales staff;
    Decision modelling based requirements engineering

  30. Heatmaps

  31. Competitive analysis

  32. Customer change request systems

  33. Defect logs - e.g. bug reports

  34. Activity diagrams (flowcharts)

  35. Sample reports

  36. Message sequence diagrams

  37. Entity relationship diagrams

  38. 5 why’s

  39. Value stream mapping

  40. Business Model Canvas

2. Requirements Analysis (A1)

  1. Problem solution canvas

  2. Use cases

  3. Role playing

  4. Design Thinking

  5. Customer Journey maps or user flows

  6. Process maps

  7. Model driven engineering

  8. Goal oriented requirements engineering

  9. Seven stage model

  10. Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) framework

  11. Market analysis (data from marketing campaigns)

  12. Heatmaps

  13. Competitive analysis

  14. Activity diagrams (flowcharts)

  15. Sample reports

  16. Decision tables and decision trees

  17. Finite state machines

  18. Message sequence diagrams

  19. Entity relationship diagrams

  20. 5 why’s

  21. Value stream mapping

  22. Business Model Canvas

3. Requirements Specification (S1)

  1. User stories

  2. Constraints

  3. Goal oriented requirements engineering

  4. Seven stage model

4. Requirements Prioritization (P1)

  1. Numerical Assignment or planning poker or assigning relative value points

  2. Table-top relative estimation

  3. Prioritization based on set of weighted criteria

  4. Simple rating system

  5. Product council

  6. Prioritisation by Cost of Delay

  7. Prioritizing features for differential value (Kano Model of customer satisfaction)

5. Requirements Validation (V1)

  1. Interviews with employees

  2. Surveys

  3. Workshops or focus groups

  4. User testing or usability testing

  5. Role playing

  6. Customer or stakeholder feedback

  7. Online reviews

  8. Jobs To Be Done

  9. Design Thinking

  10. Customer development

  11. Customer Journey maps or user flows

  12. Process maps

  13. Model driven engineering

  14. Goal oriented requirements engineering

  15. Seven stage model

  16. Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) framework

  17. Business process modelling

  18. Enterprise architecture

  19. e3 value modelling (Value Network Analysis)

  20. Market analysis (data from marketing campaigns)

  21. Decision modelling based requirements engineering

  22. Heatmaps

  23. Competitive analysis

  24. Customer change request systems

  25. Activity diagrams (flowcharts)

  26. Sample reports

  27. Decision tables and decision trees

  28. Finite state machines

  29. Message sequence diagrams

  30. Entity relationship diagrams

  31. Scenarios or acceptance test

  32. 5 why’s

  33. Value stream mapping

  34. Business Model Canvas

6. Requirements Management (M1)

  1. Flagging and tagging the product backlog items with corresponding KPIs

  2. Kanban

  3. Scrum

  4. Defect logs - e.g. bug reports

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